(bounty 目的,奖金池,申请过程,评定规则)
3.1 Success stories:(以往的使用过我们SDK的项目案例)(Mozohack提交的作品?)
3.2 Demo:(SDK使用的演示)
3.3 Call to Action:(号召更多开发者参赛,强调一下截止日期,奖金,福利)
3.4 Conclusion:(致谢,如何拿到相关材料,如何联系我们)
Dataverse SDK等页面
Hello! Everyone! I’m Roan, BD Partner in the Dataverse
We are a web3 technology company focused on protecting the sovereignty of users' data and privacy. The key to the web3 internet is to return data ownership to users themselves.
To achieve this goal, we have built the Dataverse operating system, with a SDK.
At today’s workshop, I’ll give you a quick overview of our System and SDK, then I’ll give an intro to our grant, how can you apply, and the judging criteria.
The problem we see nowadays is, our data is isolated and can not generate profits for us.